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Australian Linguistic Society annual conference

I’ve just wrapped up an insightful and engaging week at the Australian Linguistic Society annual conference, held this year at Macquarie University.

I presented as part of the fourth Language Variation and Change workshop, in collaboration with my colleagues Professor Catherine Travis and James Grama at the ANU. Our paper looked at methodological approaches for constructing social classes in sociolinguistic analysis, focusing on speakers of Sydney English. Our paper was well received, and our audience (comprising some of the foremost variationist researchers and sociophoneticians in Australia and internationally!) gave helpful feedback and suggestions for moving forward–I always appreciate the constructive academic environment that is fostered by fellow members of the linguistics field.

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Yorkshire Dialect video (and a flash sale…)

Here in Sydney we have a couple of auditions right around the corner for productions involving a Yorkshire dialect. Given that this is something far different from the General American or RP accents most Australian performers are asked to do, I’ve put together a little crash course in creating a Yorkshire sound.

Of course, it’s not a possible to cover the entirety of a dialect in one short video, so instead I’ve presented a few easy sound substitution strategies that can be put in practice if you need a more Yorkshire sound on short notice, especially for learning audition call back material.

Have a watch, and let me know what you think!

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