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And we’re going to ALS!

Today I received word that an abstract that was submitted for the Australian Linguistic Society conference coming up in December has been accepted! The paper examines how dialect variation in Australian English is linked to social class, and the methodological issues of how to adequately define “social class” within the field of sociolinguistics.

This paper is a joint effort between myself and my colleagues at the Australian National University,

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Heading back to uni…

This week I’m returning to uni–but not as a student! Excited to start as a linguistics tutor at Macquarie University. This opportunity gives me a chance to further build on my teaching skills (and dust off those areas of linguistics that may not have been thought about since undergraduate days…)

However, more importantly, it has made me think about the experience of having to stand out the front of an entire room of people and speak authoritatively on a subject. This situation will sound familiar to a range of people, especially those working in the corporate sector.

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Linklater Intensive with Amy Hume

PC: Amy Hume (Facebook)

And that’s a wrap!
It’s been a truly insightful and memorable experience assisting Amy Hume for a five-day Linklater Voice Intensive with a bunch of great industry professionals. Amy is one of only a handful of Designated Linklater Teachers in Australia, having trained in New York under Kristin Linklater herself. After taking Amy’s voice courses at the Hub in 2018,

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