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British Accents short course @ Genesian

I’ve spent the past six weeks working with a wonderful group of actors in a weekly accent class, hosted by Genesian Theatre Company in the heart of Sydney’s CBD. Genesian is such an historic Sydney institution, currently in its eighth decade of creating theatre for the community!

The British Accents short course introduced the actors to three different dialects across the six weeks, spending two weeks looking into and learning about each accent.

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Heading back to uni…

This week I’m returning to uni–but not as a student! Excited to start as a linguistics tutor at Macquarie University. This opportunity gives me a chance to further build on my teaching skills (and dust off those areas of linguistics that may not have been thought about since undergraduate days…)

However, more importantly, it has made me think about the experience of having to stand out the front of an entire room of people and speak authoritatively on a subject. This situation will sound familiar to a range of people, especially those working in the corporate sector.

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