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Voice Training

Alexander Technique & Sydney Speaks

PC: Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language

It’s been a busy couple of weeks lately, but I have just submitted a mammoth paper (along with my colleagues Prof Catherine Travis and Dr James Grama at the ANU) about the use of sociolinguistic data and analysis to inform dialect coaching of Australian English. This is part of my work on the Sydney Speaks project, funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. Sydney Speaks examines dialectal variation across different ethnic communities of Sydney, based on a unique corpus of audio recordings from the 1970s and the 2010s. Happy that the paper has now been submitted for review, and we will wait to see if it is accepted for publication!

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Estill Voice Training

PC: Naomi Eyers (Facebook)

I’ve just wrapped up a fantastic week completing the Level 1 and Level 2 courses of Estill Voice Training. We were admirably guided through five jam-packed days by the wonderful Naomi Eyers of Essential Voice (based in Melbourne), assisted by the talented Trish Delaney-Brown.

Stemming from the voice research conducted by Jo Estill and colleagues since the 1970s, the Estill Voice model is a fantastic framework to break down all the individual physiological components that help to make our voices,

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Linklater Intensive with Amy Hume

PC: Amy Hume (Facebook)

And that’s a wrap!
It’s been a truly insightful and memorable experience assisting Amy Hume for a five-day Linklater Voice Intensive with a bunch of great industry professionals. Amy is one of only a handful of Designated Linklater Teachers in Australia, having trained in New York under Kristin Linklater herself. After taking Amy’s voice courses at the Hub in 2018,

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