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Estill Voice Training

PC: Naomi Eyers (Facebook)

I’ve just wrapped up a fantastic week completing the Level 1 and Level 2 courses of Estill Voice Training. We were admirably guided through five jam-packed days by the wonderful Naomi Eyers of Essential Voice (based in Melbourne), assisted by the talented Trish Delaney-Brown.

Stemming from the voice research conducted by Jo Estill and colleagues since the 1970s, the Estill Voice model is a fantastic framework to break down all the individual physiological components that help to make our voices,

and learn to control them independently to produce exactly the sound we want via Estill’s specific Voice Quality configurations.

Though predominantly used as the basis for singing technique, many dialects have intrinsic voice qualities underpinning their vowel sounds and intonation patterns, and this course built upon the anatomical and phonetic study I’ve undertaken (and I got a lovely little certificate at the end!).

It’s a lovely experience to spend a week delving into our voices with a fantastic group of like-minded learners! I highly recommend Naomi’s teaching, and the past week has left me fascinated to investigate Estill Voice further.